Tartes & Pop generally delivers to any address all around Hong Kong, Kowloon and New-Territories.

Delivery fees depend on total order amount and delivery location. Sending fresh tarts to remote areas requires the use of a cold truck so that tarts do not melt on the way, and this fixed cost has a big impact on final delivery charge.

Our delivery fees table is as follows:

Delivery Zone

Order Amount

Delivery Fee
 (in HKD)


Any order under HK$ 1,000

HK$ 65

Any order above HK$ 1,000 but under HK$ 1,700

HK$ 30

Any order above HK$ 1,700



Any order under HK$ 1,000

HK$ 150

Any order above HK$ 1,000 but under HK$ 2,200

HK$ 75

Any order above HK$ 2,200



Any order under HK$ 1,000

HK$ 250

Any order above HK$ 1,000 but under HK$ 2,200

HK$ 150

Any order above HK$ 2,200


We reserve the right to reject an order or apply a delivery surcharge based on the delivery location.


Tartes & Pop delivery team always try to deliver orders within the Customer’s selected time frame. It is the Customer responsibility to make sure they are available to collect the order at delivery address at all times during their selected time slot.

Tartes & Pop delivery staff will generally deliver to the G/F or building lobby, then call the phone number provided by client and wait for a maximum of 10 minutes for client to collect. If client do not pick up their order within these 10 minutes or fail to answer the phone, our drivers may move on to their next delivery location and the order will be sent back to our Sheung Wan shop after the delivery shift.

Client shall then decide to collect the order by themselves in our shop or ask for a redelivery (subject to Tartes & Pop's approval based on delivery schedule).


For redelivery of orders, a surcharge equivalent to the original delivery charge will be applicable: the surcharge is based on original delivery charge for this address - regardless of whether client was offered discounted delivery fee or free delivery when they first placed order.

Please note that the surcharge may vary according to delivery location. If redelivery is not made on the same day, Tartes & Pop may have to replace the order to ensure that only the freshest cakes are sent to the recipient. This new order is chargeable at 25% discount off the regular price and is applicable for every item on our menu.


For redirection of orders, a surcharge equivalent to the original delivery charge will be applicable. Please note that the surcharge may vary according to delivery location. If the order is cancelled after delivery has been attempted, the full price will still be payable.